
QDownload is a service provided by Qindari that allows you to access your files stored with us on a physical device. We currently use USB thumb drives and can send them to you via mail or another delivery method of your choice. This ensures that you have access to your files in a physical form, without relying solely on cloud storage.

In the unlikely event that Qindari goes out of business, QDownload provides a way for you to access all of your assets. This is just one of the ways Qindari is committed to protecting your data security and privacy.

Qindari's Radiation Hardend Facilities

Qindari is building a radiation hardened storage facility. The secured facility is off site and off network in a remote location. The facility is built intended to survive both natural disasters and human created disasters. In event of catastrophic disasters, your data will likely still survive. More details are forthcoming, but most will not be disclosed in the interest of protecting the facility. Your data will be store in our Radiation Hardend facility on a monthly basis. So, the data stored in the facility is up to one month out of date from what is stored on the "regular" Qindari service.

Note that the RadHard premium option is not currently available, as we are just building out this capabilities. You can sign up and we will place you on our waiting list and let you know when this plan becomes avaialble.